lunes, 11 de abril de 2011


In Costa Rica the state has several immigration policies that deal with the access of a person to the country, but especially for people who intend to stay working and living. All countries have an immigration policy to control population, job offer, normally is hard to become a citizen. In Costa Rica is different because is easy to come in and come out of Costa Rica without any restriction, people with felonies get the citizen visa easily.

With the rise of terrorism worldwide, another major concern is the national security of nations that let people cross borders, for Costa Rica the mayor concern is the high levels of delinquency, we should not make the mistake of blame only the immigrants, the problem is that some of this people are dangerous and bring complete criminal organizations and teach the nationals of how they should perform the crimes. Another problem for Costa Rica is that immigrants jeopardize the CCSS because they don`t pay for this services.

To conclude Costa Rica should change the immigration policies now that we are on time to do this, in a few years the organized crime would be strong and we need to take example from USA where the policies are strong and respect. People that commit felonies in their countries should be banned from Costa Rica before they get in.

1 comentario:

  1. The immigrants are a big problem for our country because as Guillermo said they don't pay for use the social security and many of that people are poor people who like to make ilegal money our country need to put more attention to those people.
