lunes, 11 de abril de 2011


How the brain learns it has become one of the most important topics in our days especially for any student. Now days it’s important to know the ways to improve how we process knowledge.
In the past there was the wrong idea that we learn reading but that’s not true, now days there is a different concept about this we learn practicing, doing things not only with the theory. “Practice first, after that you can learn the theory” I thing that is the most important phrase for the all meeting with M.S Silvia.
The brain is a network of neurons that is always growing but only if we stimulated the brain with activities such like reading, learning new thinks, different ways of doing the same thing are part of the activities that we can do in order to stimulate the brain.
Human beings are storytelling primates. We are curious, and we love to learn, the challenge for us is to take advantage of this characteristic and become a successful student.

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