lunes, 11 de abril de 2011


First to start we need to remember that for living a long and healthy life we should have a diet with vitamins, nutrients, eating vegetables, products with cero fat. The problem is that if a lot of people life longer we are going to consume more resources due to over population. For year 2050 the humans are going to burn all the resources on earth.
 Actually we have limited resources for the global population that at this point is close to 6,830,586,985 people with a life average of 63 years. Now think that if we extent that expect age to 80 the global population could be the double. With the actual natural resources and the average of 63 years the experts anticipate a collapse in 2050. Now if we add to that equation more people due to they expect to life longer we are going to burn all our resources for 2025. 
In conclusion I believe that we are going to life longer due to medical advance, disease control and other factors but we need to be aware of the consequences. Human beings affect the environment to survive and it is important to start thinking how to have a balance between global population and the earth because she cannot hold for a long time.

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree with the partner as to have a healthy life requires a well balanced diet rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, nutrients, proteins ... As the years medicine advances and technologies are better, thanks to all this over time is that it has found the cure to many diseases like cancer, when treated with chemotherapy, a very difficult stage of the disease but not impossible overcome.

  2. The problem isn't the years of the people live. The problem for the over population is the people who have many children without think.
