lunes, 11 de abril de 2011


I interviewed my friend Rafaela. She is 70 years old. She agreed that technology is good it help her to be in touch with her son that lives in New Jersey but the most of the times she felt overwhelm about the way technology has become part of our lives. I made a few questions to my friend next you can be able to see the transcript of the dialogue.

·        Do you think that sometimes you are missing several services due to your lack in knowledge about technology?

Yes, actually I never use the web page from Banco Nacional because I don`t know how to used also I never read the news papers because I forget how to access the website

·        What is the most important difference from the time you were young to now days?

People change, now days everybody is connected to social networks like face book, twitter also in the past people was friendlier in person today they are friendly via face book

·        What is the scariest thing you are afraid about technology?

Some people can describe this like technophobia that is the dislike of high technology or complex devices, I am afraid that in very close future humans will be clone and improved using genetic science with the help of technology, Now days we can see examples of this in transgenic plants and animals.


In Costa Rica the state has several immigration policies that deal with the access of a person to the country, but especially for people who intend to stay working and living. All countries have an immigration policy to control population, job offer, normally is hard to become a citizen. In Costa Rica is different because is easy to come in and come out of Costa Rica without any restriction, people with felonies get the citizen visa easily.

With the rise of terrorism worldwide, another major concern is the national security of nations that let people cross borders, for Costa Rica the mayor concern is the high levels of delinquency, we should not make the mistake of blame only the immigrants, the problem is that some of this people are dangerous and bring complete criminal organizations and teach the nationals of how they should perform the crimes. Another problem for Costa Rica is that immigrants jeopardize the CCSS because they don`t pay for this services.

To conclude Costa Rica should change the immigration policies now that we are on time to do this, in a few years the organized crime would be strong and we need to take example from USA where the policies are strong and respect. People that commit felonies in their countries should be banned from Costa Rica before they get in.


Home schooling also call home education is the learning of children at home, in United States normally is by parents but here in Costa Rica would by tutors paid by MEP. Home schooling could be a good choice in some special cases but not for all the situations. Home schooling was an option before due to the quality of education some years ago, but now studies show that kids and teenager’s needs to be relating with other people of the same age. There are several problem involve with the concept of home schooling the biggest is that kids need to socialize with other kids of the same age.

Home schooling began at the earliest 18th century in rich families because the most of people lacked of education, the answer for this was home schooling or not received any education at all. Now days the proposal is to teach students at home, the problem with this idea would be the lack in resources, also the difficulty of transportation from one place o another. Studies show that people cannot be alone humans are sociable mammals and this need to be taken in consideration for this decision. In this particular case kids are sensible if they feel alone and could end in a behavior disorder.

Finally I don`t think that home schooling is wrong but It should be applied only in special circumstances, maybe for a student with a dangerous illness for others, medical difficulties. Homeschooling began to improve knowledge except that we have other options now days; choices like black board are examples of how we can implement


I believe that community service is a must for all people, especially for students. Community service is a donation of time to benefit of the public but the most of the time is to help poor people. There are many organization in Costa Rica oriented to help others like Paniamor, Omar Dengo, teleton, club active 20-30 all this organizations works with volunteers. It is also a way to show interest for the others problems and find or at least try to help them.

Some people associate community service with punishment, since it is often offered to small-time offenders as an alternative to fines or jail time. However, community service can also be altruistic, and it is a vital part of many small communities. For people who are not affiliated with an organization, finding community service opportunities are easy. In many cases, an organization which needs the assistance of volunteers has a volunteer coordinator or you can call directly to the organization office. What comes around goes around is an informal way to see things but we should always think on this if we help other maybe someone will help us on the future.

Finally I consider that we can make a change in our communities. We have the choice to help others all this organizations always are looking for people to help, that’s the main reason why I think that community work is a must for all undergraduate students. It helps to increase the moral, the knowledge of the other problems and helps to be better people that care for each other. Community service for people in secondary and college is a must and we should be glad to have the opportunity to assist other human beings.


First to start we need to remember that for living a long and healthy life we should have a diet with vitamins, nutrients, eating vegetables, products with cero fat. The problem is that if a lot of people life longer we are going to consume more resources due to over population. For year 2050 the humans are going to burn all the resources on earth.
 Actually we have limited resources for the global population that at this point is close to 6,830,586,985 people with a life average of 63 years. Now think that if we extent that expect age to 80 the global population could be the double. With the actual natural resources and the average of 63 years the experts anticipate a collapse in 2050. Now if we add to that equation more people due to they expect to life longer we are going to burn all our resources for 2025. 
In conclusion I believe that we are going to life longer due to medical advance, disease control and other factors but we need to be aware of the consequences. Human beings affect the environment to survive and it is important to start thinking how to have a balance between global population and the earth because she cannot hold for a long time.


I believe that animals are intelligent beings, they have emotions and they feel pain just like us. Some studies show that animals like dolphins and chimpanzees are very intelligent even if their brain size is smaller compare with the human brain. Some people say that humans are the earth lings because we destroy others species just for fun, clothes and food.
The brain size is considered an indicator of intelligence of an animal. However, many other factors also affect intelligence and recent discoveries concerning bird intelligence decrease confidence with the usefulness of brain size as an indicator. Elephant brains also show similar complexity to dolphin brains and are also more complex than that of humans. This needs to make us thing that not only humans are the intelligent beings on earth it could be selfish on our part to believe this.
Finally many nations have laws offering protection to conservation to species for example forbidding hunting, restricting land development or creating preserves. It’s important always to remember that humans depends a 100 percent on the environment, including animals and we always should respect the other species because they feel and suffer just like us.


Today I want to talk about why smoking kills, have ever heard this: 'Oh, I am not addicted.' 'Anything in moderation is fine.' 'Smoking is cool.' 'It helps me feel calm.' The reasons for smoking are many and so are the excuses but it’s important to remember what the consequences of smoking are.
Here in Costa Rica or any other country we need to consider the consequences of smoking for example that every eight seconds, someone in the world dies due to tobacco use, evidence shows that around 50 percent of those who start smoking in adolescent years go on to smoke for 15 to 20 years this if important due to we need to stop this trend for teenagers.
Another important fact is that half of long-term smokers will die from tobacco related diseases. Every cigarette smoked cuts at least five minutes of life on average about the time taken to smoke it according to researches made the difference of live years for a smoker and a no smoker it’s almost 8 to 9 years.
I think it’s important to know some Constituents of a Typical Cigarette there are about 4,000 chemicals that go into making a single cigarette, all of which give it its unique flavor and all this components together are similar to any poison on earth. I just want to mention some basic components of a typical cigarette:
 Acetone - nail polish remover
 Ammonia - toilet cleaner
 Hydrogen Cyanide - poison
 Cadmium - car battery fluid
 DDT/ Dleldron - insecticide
 Methanol - rocket fuel
Finally we need to stop and think that with upwards of 5 million people dying on this planet every year from tobacco use, chances are more than good that we'll end up a tragic addition to those statistics if you never smoked great but if you’re smoker you need to start doing something because probably someday you are going to suffer the consequences.


First than all I want to say that none one is disable, sometimes life it’s not completely fair with us and we fight for what we want. I think about a huge terror in your life that came to pass. You’re still here to read this commentary. The real you came out. Not the one filled with fear and doubt. For some unknown reason, I would sabotage my efforts before I began by saying things like, “It will not work,” I don’t have any money or enough money,” “No one will love me “, “No one will buy what I create” and so much more, Fortunately, life has a way of putting obstacles in your path that force you to go beyond the limited boundaries set by us.
Let’s think about problems, limitations, difficulties, challenges, or whatever we choose to call them, shouldn't stop our progress. Rather, they should cause us to ask the following three questions: 1. What do I want from life now? 2. What is preventing me from getting what I want? 3. What am I going to do about it?
Finally we always should overcome our problems and never hide from them, because the only way to change our future it’s going to be facing our present, in other words let’s say that if you don’t fight for what you want none one it’s going to do that for you.


The social networks
My name is Guillermo, I’m studying computers engineering in ULACIT, first please think about this question, do you know about someone that uses social networks?
 It is not unusual if you often hear your siblings or your friends talk about the people they have met and made friends with through the Internet as social networking is one of the phenomena that have taken the world of Internet by storm. Almost every Web surfer has an account in at least one of the social networking sites, for these sites are the more enjoyable places to hang around in. However, the pros and cons of social networking sites have become a topic for debates.

Just like in any development in technology, social networking has positive and negative sides. Let us now take a look at the outstanding pros and cons of social networking sites.

I think the Social networking sites have paved the way for easier communication to your friends, family, or colleagues. One example is that instead of meeting in a certain place, you and your classmates could discuss a school activity by having a conference in a certain site that you are all members of, thus saving you time and effort. Virtual communities are also formed, which are composed of people connected together by common interests, purpose, and goal. People of different races also get to mingle with each other in just a few clicks.
The idea of socializing with millions of people of different backgrounds excites the Web surfers. This is one thing that you can hardly do outside the virtual world.

But also while the social networking sites have become places for establishing connections and meeting friends, they have also become likely places for identity theft and fraud. As you have to provide certain information such as your e-mail address, name, and location, others use this information and pretend to be you, especially when they are into illegal activities.

Furthermore, someone pretending to be somebody else can make you believe that he or she is up to some business offer ask to meet up with you, and take your money. It has also become easier for someone to stalk you and harass you online.
The movie shows a small piece of the real meaning of a social network, in my personal opinion I think that you lose more than what you win using the social networks, because your privacy ends at the moment that you created an account in any of this sites, an losing your privacy it’s out of the question even if the information comes in seconds.


How the brain learns it has become one of the most important topics in our days especially for any student. Now days it’s important to know the ways to improve how we process knowledge.
In the past there was the wrong idea that we learn reading but that’s not true, now days there is a different concept about this we learn practicing, doing things not only with the theory. “Practice first, after that you can learn the theory” I thing that is the most important phrase for the all meeting with M.S Silvia.
The brain is a network of neurons that is always growing but only if we stimulated the brain with activities such like reading, learning new thinks, different ways of doing the same thing are part of the activities that we can do in order to stimulate the brain.
Human beings are storytelling primates. We are curious, and we love to learn, the challenge for us is to take advantage of this characteristic and become a successful student.

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Personal presentation

Hello all,
My name is Guillermo
I`m studying computers engineering here at ULACIT, I`m results oriented, I believe that if you want to accomplish something you need to work hard.
I live in San Isidro Heredia, love computers, programming, networks, and any related technology topic.
I have been working with Bank of America for 2 years in the ITS department.